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There's hardly a fetish and BDSM fan in the world who hasn't heard of - the most abundant watering hole for all who are thirsty for high quality pornography in the above mentioned categories. Among its most hardcore channels is AMATOR - the finest and most hardcore collection of German BDSM porn, specializing in latex, FEMDOM, medical play and fetish. We are quite certain that you will be hard pressed to find a place with such a diversity of high quality fetish movies delivered by major names of the genre, including Lady Ashley, Madame GIllette, Unbekannt, Rubber Sissy, Lady Blackdiamond, to name a few. The site currently provides more than 260 videos in this channel (and the collection is growing), but if you decide to subscribe, it also includes an additional collection of more than 90 channels, specializing in all sorts of kink and BDSM scenarios, with thousands of videos at your disposal!